Please purchase our treats from any of the independent retailers who carry our product.
They are lovely and we want to support them.
However, if that isn’t feasible for you, we invite you to purchase directly from us using our online store. Please note that we only ship within Canada.
Beef Liver Bites, 135 g $10.00
approximately 75 treats
Yam & Cheddar, 135 g $10.00
approximately 35 treats
Yam & Apple, 135 g $10.00
Wild Salmon Snacks, 135 g $10.00 approximately 80 treats
Surf ‘n Turf, 135 g $10.00
Pumpkin Peanut Butter, 135 g $10.00 approximately 70 treats
Flavour Fiesta, 135 g $10.00